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The Journey that has Brought me here.

Gao Yang

In the summer of 2010, I experienced a life changing catalyst that thrust me into a direction that sent me on a healing journey to find some kind of resonance to my lost soul.  

I was 23 years old, a semester away from graduating with my Bachelors.   I had thought I could plan my life with every grueling detail, invincible to catastrophe, worrying about bills and what to eat and/or wear.  Neglecting my soul and purpose of my original design.  I had slowly made my bed in conforming to the social pressures of unnecessary stress to performing (the boyfriend, the wedding, the house, the dog, the picket fence, the Jones/Smiths).  I had completely lost touch with what I really needed.  

That was until, I had lost a very dear loved one, my fiancee, to a freak accident.  The pivotal moment set me into an uncomfortable humiliating confrontation with reality, forcing me to re-evaluate all the choices I had made up until that point.  

With the help of my Creator, family, community and a sabbatical, I slowly made my way out of the cave I grew accustom to.